Classics and dogs from the shelter

Auto Motor Klassiek » Column » Classics and dogs from the shelter
Purchasing classics there

The first Citroen My Lief's BX was a fluke. I bought them off her on the day. Our dogs do not usually come from the 'dealer' either. The last three have an asylum history. And for the people who now mutter: "But with a shelter dog you don't know anything about his past". Think about what you know about your partner's prehistory. And usually it all goes pretty well, doesn't it?

Terp was a cross of something with something else

But there were hunting genes in it and she was highly traumatized because of growing up as a puppy between four small children and an outlet policy of “Open the door, poop and go back in”. We decided to employ Terp and went to the shelter in Velp for the third time. During the previous two sessions, Terp had apparently already made her plan: When she was on a leash, she set course with the belly just above the ground and with traction on all drive options to the BX that she had seen before and that was waiting with the valve open. . In the nine years that Terp was with us, a BX was emphatically 'the thing that took her away from the shelter'. Terp has been dead for a while. But her ever-hyperactive nose is remembered. She always wanted to smell. That is why we always drove with a rear window ajar. And that is the still standing comment: "Will you open the snuff slide?"

Wammes was captured near Ulft

He had obviously been severely abused. He was fearful. So for that kind of bruising, you don't need to get a dog from a Romanian or Polish bread farm at all. Here in the Netherlands there are also people who treat their animals badly. The shelter was his first safe place for Wammes. We saw that there was a good beast in Wammes and decided to take it. When we went to pick him up, there was panic. The first two meetings had been cautiously positive. But off the asylum site? A BX in? No way! We had our son with us because he still belonged to the pack. Leander is big and strong. So he lifted the asylum seeker to put him in the BX. It will not dislike it Citroëns, but Wammes screamed out of panic. I had never heard a dog scream before. When we had to put Wammes to sleep, we first thought of celebrating a few dogless months. And then the Corona jitters came and long weekends Zeeland, Drenthe and Groningen could not be planned.

So we thought: We will continue - in the meantime a BX - but again on dog hunting

In the asylum Apeldoorn we found Junior. When that beast came, he was unnamed, completely unmanageable, and unsocialized. Because he did nothing but growl, he was baptized 'Grom'. That turned out not to be good marketing. 'Grom' became 'Junior', which was technically better sales, but otherwise not very accurate. Junior has long since forgotten his puppyhood. And as much is known about the rest of his family as about his past. There are too many terrier genes in it, but fortunately they are somewhat dampened by a dash of labrador sauce. We call our new neurotic "Jim". After two weeks he also listens to it. It is a seriously traumatized ADHD person, but there is a good dog in it. He has already come to greet us, is now cuddly ... And the traumas? We will still massage it out.

Women, shelter dogs and classics always revive with genuine care, attention, love, patience and respect. For the time being Jim is still neutral Citroen BX's. Maybe we should upscale to an XM. Oh yes: The CitroExpo goes to August.


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  1. It is nice to see that you deal with bx and as well as with dogs. Or is it the other way around?
    Good luck with the hunt for an XM. If I were you, I'd find a station. That trunk is the same size as an asylum loft😇 It will take Jim some time to get used to it.

  2. I would say; keep driving beautiful BiX, they will become art nouveau again, now that they have left their disposable status behind.
    Not that an XM is not a nice cart, but that is not a shopping car or a quick-to-the-hardware store-mobile… they are just a bit too big for that.
    An XM is a travel mobile pur sang, something for the long run.

    • When the economy is booming again, there will just be a fresh BX and an XM! I keep an eye on your showroom and have a bottle of YMO in front of you here. My weekly excursion Arnhem has come to a standstill due to the Corona fever.

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