The last of the Mohicans. A meditation

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The last of the Mohicans, a meditation

If you remember that cry, then you are one. In the meantime, we are an average 43 year. So you and I are probably older. Because my son is 19 and it works very weird with all those averages. We once firmly believed that the outlet that made the most noise provided the most power and that hearing protection was for wimps. That it was best to rush home with a good sip. Just think of 'See Tinus on Norton ..."And now we are approaching the end of an era. Stylish as Lucky Luke at the end of his comics. Our motorcycles are quieter, cleaner and better than ever. But driving 130 on the Afsluitdijk is not really exciting. Our petrol is magically magical in The Hague. The government discourages motorcycling with the new 42 step driving license. Is there no future? Yes. It has already been devised. For ecological reasons, by the way. Motorized two-wheelers continue to exist here. That is, for example, because the Chinese Lifan Motor Group will do the same with their private label Benda as Honda and Yamaha did in the sixties. And don't say that "Benda" is a weird name.

Benda is a strange name

Because 50 years ago the British Motorcycle Gods thought that 'Honda' was a strange name. The Chinese are going to conquer Europe via the Netherlands via importers with warehouses from China to Medemblik and stocks and a real dealer network. Not with superbikes. With electrically powered scooters and motorcycles. They are the future. Because Asian megacities are packed, the local air is so dirty you have to chew it before you breathe it in, and the company is phasing out its production of four-stroke powered motorcycles, scooters and cars. Scoots are now 'urban commuters'. Because they have electric motors, they accelerate like spears. Because an electric motor is immediately at its full torque. Such an electric scooter or motor charges when braking. The thing is very heavy, by the way. We are used to almost no noise-making engine blocks. But the deafening silence of an e-motor? We can't do anything. We are spectators. We experience the transition phase. The current electric moped and moped scooters are ideal for our wives and daughters. Maybe for us, if we are too stiff for our passion, but want to keep experiencing the feeling. Real electric motorcycling becomes for our grandsons. Because they don't know any better then.

The smell of oil

But I already miss the smell of old oil. And every evening I kiss my membership card from the MAG. And luckily an importer has already fallen prematurely because his success scoots have been declared by the European Supreme Court or whatever illegal counterfeit Vespas. Nice pûh.

Do you know what the real issues are with all that modern hassle? The extraction of raw materials for all those batteries is really environmentally unfriendly. And you can check it out for yourself: But the biggest secret in the world is how long such a battery pack lasts and what a new battery pack costs.

"The range is getting bigger and the prices will drop dramatically."
Does that sound like an argument that you would buy through?

But the big problem with those electric lies on wheels is that they are so boring.

They don't do anything "Brem!"



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