Classic fans usually know how the hares run. They know their addresses. But sometimes things go wrong. For example, a global epidemic could break out. And if one of the affected countries is ruled by someone we heard called in horror as 'an insane koekwaus' ...
Then we first went to find out what a 'koekwaus' could be. The word turned out to exist and meant pretty much what we suspected. De Dikke van Dale left us in the lurch, but the Bossche Encyclopedia gave vent to the matter: Koekwaus. That is one of the many cool Bossche swear words. It is one that you cannot easily identify and that is why this swear word appeals to the imagination: waus, zn. m., swear word, crazy. Dirty waus! Damn waus! Also: verrèkte koekwaus
Problems in the States
The United States had of course already largely descended to a third world country, but the categorical denial of the virus now threatens to push the country really over the edge. Well: There are a lot of American parts suppliers who ... no longer supply. This trend has been going on for some time and is causing global frustration. In the Netherlands we have fantastic internet connections and flexible classic enthusiasts plus an apparently fantastic stock of parts for 'foreigners'. We already heard from some of them that they had said goodbye to their American addresses with regret and were now simply buying their stuff in the Netherlands. In the meantime, a number of French people have discovered the Netherlands as an alternative source of parts for USA cars & parts.
We were aware of the interest from France
We regularly do the communication between the French purchasing sides and Dutch sales sides. But we had missed the rapidly increasing demand for parts. But because our digital platform is also well-known internationally, we increasingly receive requests for help about suppliers of USA parts. So we got following the Jeep story in the recent Auto Motor Klassiek a southern French question and we were able to help Dominique in his search for a good, but affordable Jeep. He was completely happy with his purchase and went to work with it. In fact, the Nekaf only suffered from stiff muscles from sleeping too long. But the tank was really bad. Dominique's American contacts failed. And in France, CJ5s and parts for them are apparently not to be found.
In terms of earnings model it doesn't seem like anything, of course, but because everything you learn is also capital, we took a look around. There appear to be plenty of CJ parts here that cannot be found 'elsewhere'. Being findable does not only apply to Jeeps, but to just about all Americans. Dominique was completely amazed at 'the Jeep demolition corner' (top photo) at Van Dam.
But the fact that we ended up at with a few mouse clicks and some inquiries made him really happy. With some interim translation work between Wilco and Dominique, it turned out that a whole new tank, including the gaskets and shipping, came to € 395. For people who do not have us at hand and who want to take the risk of misunderstandings: Google Translate on the smart phone will go a long way. And communicating with pictures with arrows is also an option.
But all in all, we can gladly realize that we Dutch apparently live in a reasonably functioning country that is full of good affordable classics and where you do not easily bump your nose into parts hunting.
Koekwaus or not, for the normal working bastards, like me, many people will miss that koekwaus, no, not the NOS followers and VVD rascals here, they can look koekwaus dead, no, the common man will miss koekwaus, like my "Ordinary" friends in the USA. Too bad that this statement had to be made, as bad taste in the mouth.
A Bantam or Willys is seen as the summus in the jeep world, the chance that you score it cheaply is just as big as a meteor hits your chicken coop.
Possible, but very small.
The Ford GPW (with the W for ... right; Willys) is a multiple option, but not cheap either.
Go for something post-WWII if it has to be affordable
I am looking for a restoration project
Have div. had restorations including MG Midget MG B and 2 Beetles.
Now my eye has fallen on a jeep Willys something different
Do you have something like that for not too much money
Am retired now
Hello Henk, Being retired is great! But a Willys project for not too much money? That is challenging! If you want to be pleasant, grab a Nekaf or Minerva. Good luck. And let's hear from you when you've found something!
Is it perhaps an idea to set up a barter with the French people like a Jeep / American for a Duck or something?
@Rjab: Tight plan. Maybe later…. If I have the time….