Column - Is younger better?

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Purchasing classics there

Classics are no better, but much more fun than most 2021 models. So why throw away your classic? Partners are… Ho. Now it gets complicated.

A somewhat vague classic driving knowledge came to briefly. That was actually to show his considerably younger new Beloved. The roomy 50+ 'to keep pace with its new flame had been drastically modernized. He had become more streamlined even around the equator. I thought he looked good. He also seemed to have become much more energetic. He also seemed to have more hair than I remembered. But as said: it was a vague acquaintance that I saw at most a few times a year. So it may have been my memory.

Talk about other things

The conversation was not, as before, about old motorcycles, but about his new Lief and all the adventurous journeys he went on with her. He had even bought a new bike for it, he pointed out the room window. There was indeed a large, shiny tour mastodon.

His new girlfriend turned out to be a pretty nice girl. But her dynamic appearance was not the result of a strict diet and gym attendance. She was just young. A little later in the conversation it came up sideways that the couple was about twenty and some years away. Of course positive thinkers believe in True Love. Only cynics would dare to suggest that the young woman in question was a "trophy wife." A 'trophy wife' is something that older young men acquire because they want to show the world one more time that the world really revolves around them.

The Johannes Effect

I was once allowed to see that to friend Johannes. His ultimate, extremely cheaply sculpted curly ball was compared to his ex 'ZGAN'. It made Johannes almost unbearably youthful and Extra Masculine. His approach was described to intimates as the “Oh look what I can fuck effect”. During a walk in the Ardennes, at a location that was well known to us, he was constantly at the forefront, in search of the most exciting paths. We got lost. That is still possible in the Ardennes. We found our way back through experience.

Pay for a pregnancy with a Harley

I helped him restore his Moto Guzzi. And then his Lief had an urgent wish for children. Johannes already had two children in their twenties. But it was a lost battle. As an acceptable compromise, the curly hair got pregnant, and as compensation, Johannes disposed of his Moto Guzzi to purchase the thickest Harley. And that was also another recent model.

When I became a father myself, I thought, Johannes, about how it must be for a 15-year-old to have a daddy of seventy. Peter Koelewijn's text had never seemed so fitting to me.

Romance and love do exist

An old, unfortunately deceased, acquaintance sat contemplating the state of affairs in their relationship with another bastard of about sixty. There were quite a few men who had recently traded their wife for a model of a more recent year. Simon was mildly surprised. During the musings, his wife walked past his office, got into her Mercedes convertible and drove with an arm swing to her Lord and Lord the yard. Simon looked after her with satisfaction. “She has a big butt and she can cook well. I never put it away. ” Loyalty and romance still exist… Fortunately.

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