A job application visit – column

Auto Motor Klassiek » Column » A job application visit – column
Purchasing classics there

Stop for breakdowns. Who else does that? We still do! Because it's always nice to meet new people. And if you can help someone, well, why not? Where in the past we immediately unpacked a tool roll and made parts with improvised possibilities, such as a piston from a beer can or a connecting rod from a piece of oak wood, life is now simple. If there is no gas, we can help. If the stranded motorcyclist has forgotten his – or her – cell phone, so be it. Otherwise it's something electronic nowadays and then we can't help. Oh yeah; we can also shoot a tubeless tire on the way. The average motorcyclist now has a mobile phone and a Mobility Guarantee. But what should we do with averages?

The man standing next to an almost completely disassembled motorcycle on Straatweg was clearly not your average one. Just as little as his engine was average. The biker himself looked like he stepped right out of 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly' except for the two Colts hanging low on the hips. His motorcycle appeared to be made up of parts from all Japanese bicycles from 1980 to 1990 or thereabouts.

Dangling wiring everywhere. It all looked very serious. Like a horse with a belly shot. But it turned out to be okay. Our Italo cowboy clone told in a mild friendly tone that he was on his way to talk about a new job. But he had had a tailwind and was therefore half an hour early. He used that time to continue pulling wires on his amazing two-wheeler. “It has an 1170 Wiseco kit on it. With a supercharger” he happily pointed to the engine block and head from which a gigantic carburettor hung seemed so much nicer than fuel injection could be.

For someone who was fifteen minutes before a job interview, our fellow motorcyclist turned out to be very calm. “And where should he be? And how much time did he need to get his creation back together and running?” Ah. That was simple. He pointed to the office building across the road. “I just have to cross. And when I'm done there, I'll cross again and finish it here."

I once delved into my own job application past and realized that I had never dealt with my affairs in this way Zen. The long-held career hunter sorted some things together in his backpack, reported that he was just going across. "And don't take any photos!"

I decided to wait, lit a cigar and looked further at the technical gathering in front of me. In fact, all the things that were done looked just thought out and professional. Only that wiring I could not do anything. I recognized an ignition switch. When I converted it, all kinds of lights went on. Strange…

Half way through my second cigar, the Clint Eastwood copycat came out again. I immediately got into Ennio Moricione's harmonica tune. The return mechanic gave me a high five and happily said, “It's all right. I have the job". While talking, he put the tank back in its place and connected the quick connectors of the fuel line. The side cover was hung. The buddy went on it.

Helmet on. Gloves on. Contact to. A push on the button. The Yamahosuki Special started with a howling compressor. After a few quiet strokes on the gas, the thing ran surprisingly quietly at zero load with the crumbly exhaust sound of a block with very hot camshafts. The rider roared: “thanks for stopping!”. Gave gas. Dave gone.

What kind of job that young had now got? What kind of company was in the neutral-looking building? No idea. But stopping for apparently stranded motorcyclists? I'll keep doing that.

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  1. What you're saying about it getting harder with electronics in the game, you're right. Stopped a hat year ago on the A79 for a stranded one-cylinder two-stroke Aprillia.
    The thing didn't want to anymore. But when his owner started him, he ran straight again. That was a bad sign.
    We just made it safely to the next exit where the thing went off again as if with a switch. The ignition had gone out. I guided the man with the hazard lights to a safer position while rolling down the ramp. His mobile phone offered a solution to arrange help.
    He still had to go from the breakdown location Valkenburg to Eindhoven…. At least it could mean something to him. It might have been easier with contacts and a coil. Sigh!

  2. These kinds of people find a job at all levels, both in manual labor and in senior management or company management.
    They are naturally born problem solvers and doers who look up to every challenging obstacle with a smile.

  3. Wow, a real “Cliffhanger” without end………………..I've read it twice
    and especially to see if I have missed something, so no. ah.

  4. Yes…they are still there, although nowadays you have to look for them mainly at low tide and with a UV lamp; the self-key/tinkerers…
    And stop for bad luck, that's just ingrained

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