Tags antifreeze


Coolant and antifreeze

For many of our classic cars that spend their winter hibernation in unheated storage areas, it can be quite a matter: Is the cooling system protected against frost? When we assess the damage after the horror winter of 2018, it would be sad if...

Purchasing classics there
Coolant or antifreeze?

Antifreeze or coolant in classics?

There is a difference between coolant and antifreeze. Antifreeze is an agent that only lowers the temperature at which the water/liquid starts to freeze. It can therefore also be used for windshield wiper fluid, for example. Coolant is the liquid that provides more than just cooling in the cooling system of a combustion engine.

Antifreeze for vintage cars

You probably don't want to think about it on a beautiful sunny day like today. But it may be useful to know that given the winter conditions of the last two years, with extreme freezing temperatures, antifreeze is not antifreeze