Tags Dwarf cars

Purchasing classics there

The Shelter. A Dutch dwarf car

Shortly after the Second World War, motorized traffic became extremely topical. On a BSA or Harley, which you could buy at the 'dump' for a few hundred guilders, you were quite a man. But a motorcycle was not yet a car. Even…


Norso. a very ugly dwarf car

Norso or Norsjö (1960 – 1979); Norsjo AB; Forshaga; Sweden. Does that name make you shudder with recognition? Dwarf cars and other small creatures – including box tree moths – are currently highly topical. Of course, we had already spotted that trend and in the…


Goliath: Not a nice ass

The head and the butt. These are things that make an impression. Or not. And what if you actually look at an ass without paying attention? How interesting can that be? In any case, more interesting, or more sensible, than if the reverse were the case...