Tags Old box

bad luck

Break or just bad luck?

Nice picture from the Old Box. A 4s Bedford RL 4×XNUMX with trailer in service with the British Army pauses along the road. Of course, it could also be that this is just bad luck, although…

Purchasing classics there

Opel and handling

Opel and road holding There are many among our readers who grew up with the statement “You should never buy an Opel, they have extremely poor road holding”. This was also the case with regard to Opel and handling. Especially the models from…

Just stop ... 

Some time ago we published an old photo of a motorist who was changing a (flat) tire half on the road and half on the hard shoulder of a German motorway. The trucks, buses, everyone, drove neatly around the scene...

Washing the car - that's how it used to be

Nowadays, when washing your classic car, you are also advised to remove the mud – and perhaps the remains of brine? – also clean the insides of the fenders, actually the entire underside of the car, with the high-pressure cleaner...

Mobile garage

Whether Austin's products in the 1950s were so bad that a mobile garage had to be deployed to help stranded travelers get back on their way or whether there was some other reason for this is not entirely clear.…

That's how it used to be

'In the past', when the seepage tube was not yet full of advertisements about the purchase of a 'fuel-efficient' and environmentally conscious car, the internet still had to be invented, a car was a whole possession and the housewife exchanged her bicycle or Solex for an 'own' car that had to drive economically because the gasoline of then no 60 rock-hard old Dutch cents per liter, was quite an attack on household money, the dealer loaded a Fiat 500 on his (of course also Fiat) pickup and parked it on the local village square.