jeep star. All-terrain vehicle in urban clothing. 

Auto Motor Klassiek » Casual meetings » jeep star. All-terrain vehicle in urban clothing. 
Purchasing classics there

For its longtime owner in the United States, the Jeepster was a car to get off the road, take rides through rugged terrain in the Oregon mountains. Climbing slopes and going through deep tracks in the rugged nature. Now that it has been brought to the Netherlands by the importer, it will probably be used for errands or pleasure trips. (Status symbol?) So the fantastic feeling of pleasure will remain. 

By: Dirk de Jong

The photos clearly show that the car is still in good condition. The Jeepster was distinguished by the strong six-cylinder Buick engine and a GM automatic gearbox. America is not always the promised land anymore, money was needed for medical treatment of the owner that had to be financed himself. And sometimes you have to opt for solutions that yield money, that was the case here. In his letter of farewell there was only one wish: he would like it if the new owner of the Jeepster in the Netherlands would put as much love into it as he had done himself. And Han Holman, the importer from Damwoude in Friesland, will certainly take care of that order. 

Unique and cool car

The Jeepster is of course a unique and tough car. The American brand is very popular with people who like to ride spartan, it gives a kick! Especially this version, actually a convertible with a beautiful hood in a different color white that fits well with the yellow rascal. With its 4×4 drive, it doesn't need any beaten paths and its power source provides enough power. The martial appearance does the rest. 

Field of dreams

During his visits to America, Han encounters many classic vehicles that can still be saved. But of course also "tons of rest". He is convinced that this Jeepster will strongly stimulate the buying appetite. The transition from a wagon in rough terrain to a dandy-like one.

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