Simca Aronde P60 Etoile (1962) by Femme and Sander. Enjoy being behind the wheel.

Auto Motor Klassiek » Casual meetings » Simca Aronde P60 Etoile (1962) by Femme and Sander. Enjoy being behind the wheel.

Pure emotion. That is the feeling that connects classic enthusiasts, both among themselves and with their old-timers. Whether that be classic cars, classic motorcycles, trucks, mopeds or whatever. Show the average classic car enthusiast the photos of this beautiful 60 Simca Aronde P1962 Etoile and see how he or she reacts. That is also the feeling that Sander and Femme connect with their car. 

By: Dirk de Jong

We have met Sander and Femme before. They were already able to tell enthusiastically about their old-timer hobby, which they have now turned to in the Frisian Westereen. 

Fanatic and car crazy

In fact, you can better describe them as fanatic and car crazy when it comes to buying/selling and repairing classic Volkswagens. Every day on a quest for air-cooled cars with a warm heart when finds are made. And so this Simca Aronde was in fact a 'by-catch', of which history shows that it stood with a collector for many years waiting for what was to come. They already notice when you are on the road with the Simca, that there is enough attention for this elegant car. They understand the art of enjoyment and the seductive looks of the Simca help with that. 

Simca Aronde P60 Etoile

An elegant car, 4 comfortable seats, a large trunk. Yes, the Simca Aronde P60 Etoile has all the qualities of a big car. The car is civilized and proud, driving the Aronde means a party every day. Because that's what Simca wrote in the heyday of this car. 

It is now a nice and original appearance that was produced between 1951 and 1964 by the French car manufacturer Simca. The name Aronde comes from an old French word for 'Swallow' and that was also the symbol of Simca. Three generations of the Simca Aronde have been produced, the 9, the 90 A and the P60 featured in this article. 

But the story continues

A common human trait is the interest in the past, we want to relive what previous generations experienced with the cars. That is why we often look for the background of the classic cars that we find and with the Simca Aronde it was all very special. 

Fisher Classic 

Perhaps locally known, but nationally in our opinion a lot less, that nice things will happen with old-timers in Buren in Gelderland. A fleet (100 cars!) to feast on, all in beautiful condition and happily preserved. The majority of these are French cars. The entrepreneur Henk Visscher was infected with the Simca virus from an early age and with a good dose of self-confidence he starts the new adventure with Visscher Classique. In addition to the beautiful collection of French four-wheelers, you will soon be able to wander between a collection of mopeds, miniatures and all kinds of automobilia. 

Simca, a strong brand! 

The first French brand of the former garage Visscher is getting more attention. In 1962 Henk got the dealership of this very strong brand. Now, in 2022, it is a lot of fun for the generation that drove these cars. In his new warehouse, more than 16 Simca models, the well-known Simca 1000, but also the rally versions, the Simca 1300 and 1500 series, Aronde's too many to mention. 

Spring 2022 

We don't bring history back, but the feeling does. And especially now that you can also rent the classics for a fun day out, you are completely back in time. A visit to Schuilhuiverstraat no. 1 in Buren is recommended from the beginning of this spring 2022. (06-53252928). 

The Simca Aronde that Femme and Sander now own also used to have a place within Visscher's car family. The invisible thread has now become visible. It remains fun to investigate where the relevant classic or old-timer has left its (tyre) tracks. And the bonus is the meeting with particularly fascinating people such as Henk Visscher and Wim Donkervoort of Visscher Classique. 

Are you already a subscriber of Auto Motor Klassiek? Every month you can find the 'workpieces' of enthusiastic people on your doorstep for a small amount. Every reason to commit to! 

Also read:
- Simca 1301 Special (1973) Controlled chic for Rik & IJtje Jilderda 
- Simca Rallye. Beloved rejuvenation treatment for a proven recipe
- Simca 6 fourgonette (1950)
- The Simca Océane and Plein Ciel


  1. My father's first car. That'll do you something if it's good. Believe it was the third car in the street. How proud he was of the GX 43 18! Remember it had Monthlery on it.

  2. it is probably Schuilheuvelstraat (instead of Schuilhuverstraat) in Buren. Curious what will happen there. If they have a Simca 1501 in the collection in due course, I'd be happy to take another ride in such a nice Simca.

  3. My first car was a '56 Aronde, gray in color with some brown specks. I did an internship for three months in Hoogkerk from November 1964 and the connection with public transport was not great
    Bought the Simca for 150 guilders. Didn't drive badly.
    Came through Hoogezand every morning at ten to seven The railway officials at the level crossing in Kerkstraat eventually knew me by the yellow headlights
    One morning I was a little later and when I came around the bend I saw the trees just moving to descend
    However the railway official saw my yellow headlights and stopped turning down
    The trees kept wobbly halfway through so I accelerate and go, full throttle over the track……
    Krak Krak and yes, the Simca bounced on bouncing
    I stopped with a suspicion, got out and opened the trunk lid and yes, the rear spring arms stuck through the bottom……
    So I continue my journey bouncing and back in the evening just like that and the rear box girders have been repaired
    And what else I experienced with the Simca, I can fill a few pages with that….

  4. Perhaps the same Simca in the same color I exchanged on the Weerselose car market in the late 60s for a DKW Junior. I've had it exactly a week. After exchange (with closed stock market) I woke up the next morning in which I immediately wanted to enjoy my acquisition. Well, that was disappointing. The dark spots at the bottom of the box girders were not noticeable in the dark. Quickly down to get a better look at the Simca. That was not good. The fuel cap was a large cork with a hole. Which box girders? No box beams at all! he drove pretty well. Yet only a week later on the same car market exchanged for a VW Beetle with a small additional payment. The new owner saw the benefits of it, because it drove well. Luckily it was already "by night" then.

  5. Beautiful car. My father's first car, as far as I can remember. At the end of the 50s, the light blue Simca Aronde RT-16-58 was ours. I remember the doors not closing easily. You had to close the doors with a loud bang. The turn signal control was placed right behind the steering wheel. I was allowed to serve it now and then, that was very interesting! The next car was a Simca Arianne. I drove it myself for the first time. Nice article and have fun with this car!

  6. My father's first car, which I can remember. RT-16-58 was the registration number. The doors didn't close properly, you had to close the doors with a loud bang, otherwise they wouldn't close properly. The turn signal was right behind the steering wheel, which I was allowed to operate now and then. Nice to see that car again!

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