Steal? They just watch

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Purchasing classics there

Steal? They just watch.

Of course we will not leave our classics with the ignition keys in and with the engine running in front of the door. We are not crazy !?

But we also do not all have an underground garage with gates and camera surveillance. A not insignificant part of the Patriotic Classic Fleet 'lives' if it is not played or tinkered with in boxes, barns, sheds and the like. That can be old stables in the rural area. That can be a shed on an almost abandoned sixties industrial park. Or your own garage next to the house.

These are usually excellent locations where a classic car, or sometimes a few classic engines, are nice and dry, quiet and out of sight. But people are out to steal them.
FarmMany of the barns and old stables in the pasture can only be reached through the yard. And the yard is the area where the residents, including the watchdog (s) live.

That already gives a nice risk reduction. Residents in the rural area usually pay close attention to see who and what comes to their property. Then they come out to ask for an explanation. Or to bark and bite.

Some isolated units with garages and old business premises are under less social control.
But in all examples, malicious people nowadays patrol 'Pro active' as it is called in marketing terms.

BoxingThere has recently been a significant increase in people who are used to such low hourly wages in their home countries that it is apparently profitable for them to drive and look around. For days.

They are increasingly spotted after normal working hours in industrial estates and rural areas. And they don't hurt anyone. They drive around. And watch.

And sometimes they look extra focused because their client has given them a shopping list.
At the beginning or the end of a great weekend, our classics are just outside, or just not inside. Those are the moments when these entrepreneurs patrol. Your classic car is halfway from the garage, shed, former stable or shed. So they know that he will be in it (again) soon. Your classic has driven out of the storage stable. And is now in full view of the yard. He has been spotted. Localized.

to brushSaturday you are tinkering or cleaning. With the garage doors open. With the door closed, your otherwise inconspicuous garage box stands out because you have made a steel beam on two bricked-in or bolted-up sections of profile steel across the up-and-over door. Firmly anchored by two good padlocks.

There must be something special behind such a door. Yet? Something worth stealing.

It is more convenient there to put extra locks on the inside sides and to paint the cover plates in the color of the door. That is just as strong, and almost nobody sees it.

To curb people 's curiosity, it is useful to park your classic car - also indoors - with a car cover - see our advertisers - for it. That cover camouflages your classic.

All facts because prevention is better than cure. Forward. One last: Do you know whether your classic car (against theft or fire) is insured in its garage?



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A reaction

  1. A very strong and good article, we also get more and more customers who want to prevent theft from their own garage. Partly because the violence and brutality with which these “entrepreneurs” try to get the keys are also taking on increasingly erratic forms.
    We are happy to be able to offer good security, together with a number of colleague stables, taking into account all the aforementioned arguments.

    Preventing 100% is a utopia, but preventing and slowing down and ensuring that you are informed on time, should anything be happening, that is the motto!

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