Month June 2010

Purchasing classics there

Air filter

Air filters made from a kind of very fine metal mesh were in great demand with car manufacturers until well into the 1960s. Such cars have had the status of classic for years. The proud owner pampers his cart to infinity, but the cleaning of that filter is forgotten, is the child of the bill.

Align yourself

If you are very handy, you can also align it yourself with strings. However, it is quite a joke to get that done. Especially if you miss the experience. In Great Britain, however, we came across a very simple device with which you can easily do that job.

Spark Plugging The Classics

Try buying new spark plugs for your classic car… A drama, especially when you no longer have an instruction manual or workshop manual. The British writer Stan Dibson has delved deeper into the matter and has published a very nice booklet 'Spark Plugging The Classics' through Panther Publishing.

Door hinges

As a classic owner, you may have noticed that the driver's door in particular drops slightly when opening. When closing, you must lift the door slightly. So there is play. Incidentally, if you have not noticed it yourself, the MOT inspector will do so if you bring your cart - when applicable - for the inspection.

Delicious in the oil ...

If you, as a true classic enthusiast, perform all the maintenance (and worse) on your trolley yourself, are you not turning your hand to also overhaul a dynamo? We have a handy tip in case you also replace the phosphor bronze canister.

A40 Farina and Mini Minor

The Austin A40 Farina and the Morris Mini Minor are of course two classics that should not be missing in your collection! At least not in the 1 scale on 43. Manufacturer Corgi offers them from £ 13,99 excluding packaging and shipping.

Record holder tax discs

If your collection of cigar bands, sugar packets or whatever amounts to around ten thousand copies and you think you have set a record, then read on. In order to show the law enforcement officers in Great Britain that you have paid road tax for the vehicle you are out and about in, a so-called tax disc - bottom left - has been required to be stuck to the windscreen for decades.

The big windshield guessing game?

Prizes cannot be won with it, but we know for sure that one or two people will be happy with the solution to this mystery. For at least two years since loyal reader Frans Commandeur who enjoys the lyrics every month and perhaps also those who happen to be looking for the windshield of this unknown classic.