Tags 2CV

Purchasing classics there

Hans's lender

Recently we wondered what we, from classic circles, thought that the technically excellent, generously patina-provided 2CV borrowed from Hans should yield. After the sale, Hans is not without ducks yet. And he has his eye on a fresh project yet again. But he still doubts. Because then he has one duck too many.

Kit cars. Who has one?

As a result of our message about the Rizovari, we received the maker's address through Martin Spoelstra. We will pursue that! But the message also put the kit cars phenomenon in the limelight once again. And because kit cars were often open, such a sun always comes in handy.
Citroën 2CV

Citroën 2CV, up to 20 mille

Every classic enthusiast must have read at least one story this year about the prototype with only one headlight, including the story that during the first night ride that example had a collision with someone who thought it was a motorcycle...