Tags Norton

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Norton command

Norton Command

The first Norton Commando rolled off the production line at the end of 1967, but we actually have to go back many years to trace the roots of this machine. In the XNUMXs, Bert Hopwood designed the Dominator.…

Norton Wankel, the air-cooled

Modern people have been thinking about a software system with that name for a generation+. But before that, way before that, Norton was a renowned motorcycle brand, 'the unaproachable' on tracks. The unapproachable. Later it became a somewhat convulsive brand that made rather unreliable 500 cc command blocks based on the ancient 850 cc principles. Part of the unreliability was also due to an old and tired machine park and staff who saw periods of work as annoying interruptions to the strike.

The motorcycle world is ...

... not what it used to be. Of course, motorcycle manufacturers also had their technical problems in the past. Certainly the Italian motorcycle manufacturers who, time and again, simply put their accountants in the corner to invest at least 1000 in competitive sport for every 5000 lire earned.
Norton Navigator side

Norton Navigator (1960-1965)

When you hear the name Norton you think of heavy, fast motorcycles. Do you think of Manx, the '88' or the '99', Atlases and Commandos. Or software. That depends somewhat on your age and interests. Hardly anyone calls...


Original or not? A Domi 99

The originality of our classics? We attach great importance to that. After all, it is a matter of paying tribute to the past. Nostalgia too. And 'value'. Fortunately, 95+% of our classic motorcycles can be traced back to how they were originally.…

BSA, Norton, Babes

BSA, 'More for men'

And that 'More for men' is the battle cry under which RTL7 (or something like that) operates. But it was not only BSA that approached its target group in this way. Sex sells And that was just as much wisdom as 'race on Sunday, sell on...