Tags Tinkering


tinkering or 'tinkering'

No matter how easy and cheap you can get (special) tools these days, sometimes you still have to improvise. We're a bit used to that here, but it's still done 'elsewhere'. That proved the way the Chang Jiang's front wheel was balanced. And that wasn't even easy.
There classics purchasing (copy)

Ger and the art of Linkert Maintanance

Ger Dijkshoorn belongs to the kind of men whose production has been discontinued for a while now. Ger is a genetic freebooter, a pure-bred technician and an absolute connoisseur when it comes to Harleys without electronics. And when the box with anecdotes opens, you imagine yourself in another world.

Shopping 1.0 - column

If you hear it twice in a month, then there must be some play. While it was fifty shades of gray outside, I asked Joost Woesthoff, the motorcyclist from just one village away, if he had noticed that the key season had started again. Not so. Joost said: “It is all going well. Everyone wants used, beautiful and good stuff as replacement material. But just tinkering and messing around? Only people like you still do that. ” I thought about what people like me would be ...

Handy tools and tinkering

Tinkering is fun. There are even classic car enthusiasts who enjoy tinkering more than driving with their pride and joy. To tinker you need a calm eye, mindfulness and tools. You can 'hurry'...